
This is the archive scrapbook i built in the libraryhe second session.
To my scrapbook i added bits of things that intrested me for many reasons. The first video intrested me just because of how simple it was but how creative it looked, i also like that it was not a full dance piece but just a section or even just a bit of movement that they was working on which may or may not of ended up in a final piece of performance.
The second video is of the piece 'In Plain Clothes' which intrested me as for the first 16seconds of the video all the dancers are just standing by the side in a vertical line facing horizontal. The stillness engaged me and made me want to know more about what was going to happen and what the piece was about.
The next two videos are about the Jerwood Bank Project in 2006. This is just a project that intrested me before i watched the videos which is why they are on my scrapbook. I enjoyed listening to some of the comments of the students talking about what they did, how it inspired them and how they enjoyed it.
Bird Song is a piece i studied at GCSE level, so Adrian Plaut Notes on his process made me think back to when i studied it back then, which made it relevant to me today.
I added Sarah Warsop's profile to my scrapbook as she is one of the artists we are working rather closeley to, so i thought it would be intresting to find more information about her, and her experiences.

This scrapbook is a scrapbook that inspires me for how creative the pieces are, it also showed me that videos do not need to be complete dance pieces to inspire someone, so maybe some of my videos will inspire someone else. This scrapbook has also educated me on how Siobhan Davies and her artists work and dance.

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